Accepting credit cards over the phone is considered to be the riskiest type of transaction. Reason is you cannot be certain who is on the other side of the line and need instant verification technology to help you verify transactions quickly.
MagicPay is an expert in MOTO transactions. We have in-house gateway technology that allows multiple level of verification by phone, along with the ability to store credit card data securely, all with PCI Compliance in mind.
You can receive payments for booking rooms or holding rooms by phone by using our virtual terminal or by integrating your booking software to our payment gateway. Either way you would be able to utilize CVV & AVS verification technologies. Extra layers of verification can also be utilized such as phone verification and email verification by using our custom API.
Whether you are a resort, hotel, motel, lodging place or a recreational park, you can utilize our pay-by-phone feature quickly and effectively. Our system saves transaction records forever, so you can be sure to count on us when you need reports or transaction history.
We find that hospitality and lodging merchants need to be able to process cards at different scenarios and have designed a system that would allow hospitality merchants to accept payments at anytime, without losing the next customer. The idea is to bring access to payment processing at any given time for hotels, resorts, motels and lodging establishments.